blue skyeScooter and wordsbeach scene and words

It is our belief that everything impacts on happiness, not the least being health and finance.

lifebelt in water Jam and Sponge Slice
Moonberry Pie

Subjects covered in our publications reflect the ups and downs of our own lives and will hopefully be both entertaining and informative. We invite you to take a look through. All articles, eBook previews and sample pages; plus eStories are available to print FREE of charge.
Conditions apply * (see end of page)

Healthy Living

  Here are some suggestions to help you as an individual to achieve the balance that will improve your health and self-esteem.

Click here for details of Healthy Living articles or use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page.

Money Matters

  Take the sting out of money and make it work for you.   A look at the household budget, banking, loans and investments through the eyes of ordinary people. Learn to spot the scams and how to reduce your credit liability.

Click here for details of Money Matters articles or use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page.


  A closer look at some important aspects of life that are all too often taken for granted.

Click here for all Focus topics or use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page.


  There's nothing too serious in Popcorn, just a few reflections on life's lighter side. Please enjoy.....

Click here for all Popcorn topics or use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page.

If you like to read, there are a couple of short stories  A Gift from the Grave   and The Cheese Minders  by Dave Hawkins; and a free ebook The Old Round House


  Create tasty dishes that will delight family and friends using readily-available ingredients that won't break the budget - most of them can be made Gluten Free. Even the kids will love them.

Click here for details of all our Recipes or use the navigation bar at the bottom of the page.

Click here for Budget Saver Recipes

Children's stories

There are lots of stories to be read: Moonberry Pie; The HUGE Adventures of Starlight and Moonshine with Lucy and Danny; and Drumlins

Internet Tips

Latest tip:   Learn About Website Navigation with ASOH

Click here for other useful information to keep you safe whilst on the internet

Handy Hints

Low Cholesterol Cream

  Being told to go on a low-cholesterol diet meant I could no longer have cream; and as I used this in some of my favourite dishes, I thought I'd just have to go without. Then I came up with a solution you might like to try.

For the details, go to: Handy Hints   plus there's:   Handy Hints-Bicarb


  Not everyone has the time to read long articles, so we are presenting summaries of our earlier issues. These are brief just covering the main points, and can be read in one or two minutes.

  The full articles are still on the website and can be accessed by clicking on the link at the foot of the review. Click here for reviewed articles so far.

Here are more items which may be of interest:

guitar + words   pink sky   monthly and yearly planners   Microsoft Word tutorials   notice

* Whereas all content on A Season of Happiness website is subject to the laws of copyright as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, and no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, those items which are designated for you to print free of charge are offered on the understanding that they are for your personal use and will not, in whole or in part or in any form, be used by you or any third party for commercial gain of any kind without the prior written permission of the copyright holder; these items being: Special Interest articles including Money Matters, Healthy Living, Recipes, Focus, Handy Hints, Popcorn, Internet Tips, eBook Preview pages, eStories, Moonberry Pie stories and Learn to Play Guitar and MS Word modules, but excluding all other content contained or displayed on the website, said exclusions being subject to aforementioned copyright laws.
It is further requested that you seek prior written permission from the copyright holder before committing all or part of any publication, image, or text contained on this website which is to be used by you or any third party for public display or for inclusion in any publication, whether commercial or non-commercial.

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