REVIEW of Health 24
Self-Esteem Comes from Self-Awareness
be happy when you look in the mirror
Do you like who you are, or would you prefer to be someone else? Before you answer, think about it. This role model you admire and respect may not exist, except perhaps in the magazines and on the big screen. Even so, you say, that media portrayal is everything I want to be, from the carefree attitude to the hairstyle and the way they wear their clothes. But, face facts - you aren't them and, if they popped in and met you for the first time, they might even be thinking that they'd prefer to be like you instead of themselves.
Self-esteem is feeling good about yourself; about how you see yourself in the mirror; about knowing that you are the best you can be under present circumstances; and it's about accepting that time hasn't been unkind to you. Sure, you can plaster over the ravages with make-overs and even cosmetic surgery; but you know that you are still the same person underneath. That's really all you have to work with; and this for your own sake, not for what you believe others think of you.
Whether you are overweight or consider yourself too skinny, do something about it. Consider your attitude too - are you annoyed that you tend to be snarly, short-tempered and intolerant of people's faults? Chill out: accept that everyone has faults; and don't blame friends and family for you own perceived inadequacies. Life's clock keeps ticking and as each hour passes we all change, very often for the better.
If you disagree, read the article and it might change your mind. If it doesn't, at least be happy in the knowledge that, despite your other assumed shortcomings, you are aren't illiterate!
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