REVIEW of Money 33
Value for Money
check the labels to see what you are getting for your dollar
The weekly household budget is an important feature in most homes these days, particularly for those living on a fixed income. Value for money has to be a consideration in order to balance the books; so, when out shopping consumers ought to have their wits about them. Unfortunately, when time is an issue this can go by the board. As a consequence, little notice is taken of how the contents of packets have changed over a period. In fact, there is no comparison to hand of what used to be with what is now available; and if a bag of potato crisps looks pretty much as it always did, the contents would surely would follow suit and be the same...? Actually, not quite, often in both regards.
Trimming a centimetre off a bag wouldn't be noticeable; and as for the product it holds, who could tell if the contents had been reduced by a mere 10 or 20 grams? Well, one could check the information on the bag for the weight of what's in it. That, in many instances, is positioned in a place that is often hard to spot. Once it is, however, it should be apparent that the increase of 50 cents on the price in no way reflects the lesser contents. Value for money has gone, thanks to sneaky marketing practices. Even buying fresh meat is no guarantee that shoppers are getting what they pay for; not when the beef, pork and chicken have had water pumped into them, supposedly to keep them fresh. That water, of course, costs the same as the meat!
Taking a little extra time on the odd occasion to check the information of packaging will help reveal some of the dodgy tricks manufacturers play on us every single day. So, if any item on your shopping list seems no longer value for money, why buy it at all? Leave it on the shelf and hopefully send the message that you won't get fooled again.
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