REVIEW of Money 46
Improve Word-processing Skills and Employment Prospects
A Microsoft Word Tutorial for All
Our Microsoft Word Tutorial is already available, and it's FREE. Why would you need to bother with it? Perhaps you figure you know enough to write the odd letter, more even; but when I was compiling the tutorial I discovered there were many techniques and time-saving short-cuts that I was in ignorance of. They have certainly made my life easier; and I'm sure they will help you too.
As for job prospects, having a good working knowledge of word-processing, and the ability to create illustrated documents, fliers and advertising literature are skills an employer will value. Anyone who can prove to be competent in word-processing is likely to be a step ahead in the job market; certainly more so than those who only claim to be, but fall short trying to prove it.
Microsoft Word is so useful in the office, for work or school, and at home. Learn about creating form letters, adding pictures to documents; and even making up an A5 book printed on standard A4 paper. You can also produce your own greeting cards. Most of all, it's fun and satisfying. Why not have a look and give it a try? You might surprise yourself.
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