Money Matters articles continued
You don't always get what you pay for
Don't Get Fooled by Bogus emails!
Scams are rife, and many seem genuine
Establishing a Good Credit Rating
Watching your finances to retain a credit rating
Contracts, Agreements and Conditions
It pays to read and understand the fine print
Is it really going to work without real money?
Can zero emissions ever be realistically achieved?
Rewards Schemes seem like something for nothing - but are they?
The Dangers of Online Banking
Banking online is convenient, but there are risks involved
Deposits, Advance Payments, Bonds and Investment Schemes
Money paid in advance can be risky
House fires are rarely accidental
Planning for Retirement
Thinking about retirement too late can cause problems
Giving is good; but ensure it is to the Right People!
How to reduce the cost of living
Does anyone out there know how to bring inflation down?
Profit versus Profitability
Making extra profit is not always about increasing prices
The Dangers of eScooters and eBikes
Extra care needs taking with eScooters and eBikes
Sale! Sale! Sale! SINK!!!
Sales save money - but only if you've got it to spend
Shifty Business Practices
Trimming size and quantity, but not the price!
See Money01-16 Money17-36 Money37-56 Money57-end
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