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Most of us resort to superstition on occasions. We may carry a lucky charm, cross fingers in hope or when telling a fib, or touch wood to ward off the eventuality of misadventure. Generally, there is no scientific evidence to prove any of these work, but for some strange reason, we continue to believe in them. Here are a few more:

When a knife is dropped on the floor, a man will come from the direction it is pointing; a fork indicates that the visitor will be a woman.

A person receiving a knife or cutting implement as a present should pay a token amount for it, otherwise a friendship will be cut.

A purse or wallet given as a gift must contain a coin to ensure the new owner doesn't go broke.

Turning some money over when looking at the new moon will cause it to increase, always assuming you don't drop it in the process.

See a white horse and make a wish; but do it before you look at its tail, otherwise the wish won't come true.

An itching right palm indicates you will be meeting someone; if the left itches, some money is coming to you. If both are driving you mad, see a dermatologist!

If salt is spilled, a pinch should be thrown over the left shoulder for good luck, and into the face of the Devil waiting there.

Breaking a mirror brings seven years bad luck, a curse which will be lifted if the fragments are buried in earth or placed in a stream.

Each time you sneeze, the Devil enters. Someone should then say: "God bless you," to drive him out.

Whenever you yawn, you are said to lose your soul. Fortunately, the loss is only temporary, presumably.

Whoever whistles at the table will marry a fool.

Putting new shoes on the table will bring bad luck for the day.

Accepting the third light was considered deadly for soldiers in wartime. During peace, however, the bad luck is likely to affect all three recipients, but not immediately - cancer is much slower than a bullet!

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