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Fried Chicken Casserole
Fried Chicken Casserole
Fried chicken baked in sauce with vegetables

  There's a bit of preparation involved, but the end result makes it worthwhile. It's tasty but not over-spicy; unless you decide to add some extra of your own. I think the kids will like it. As for the vegies, you can use whatever you fancy. Vegetarians can leave out the chicken, include more vegetables, substitute a different soup, and use vegetable stock powder.

300g chicken breast cut in 2.5cm strips
2 medium potatoes
1 carrot, sliced thinly
1 cup mushroom, chopped small
½ an onion, sliced
½ cup frozen green beans
2 tsps chicken stock powder
½ tsp Paprika
½ can (200ml) condensed chicken soup
¼ cup hot water
Salt and pepper (optional)
Olive oil, or other for frying

Mix the water, stock powder and Paprika in a dish, and marinate the chicken strips in this for about thirty minutes. Peel, cube and par-boil the potato; then drain and fry in about 1cm of oil, turning carefully until just browning. Set these aside, pour off the oil into a jar for later use, leaving about a tablespoon in the pan. Lightly stir-fry the onion and mushroom for 3 minutes, and set aside. In the same pan, fry the chicken strips in two batches, turning until lightly browning.

Put the soup in a suitable casserole with the leftover marinade and stir to mix. Spread the beans evenly, layer on the sliced carrot and press down lightly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper if using. Layer on half of the chicken; spread the onion and mushroom evenly over this; put on the rest of the chicken and top with the fried potato.

Bake on 162°C fan forced (180°C conventional) for 20 minutes covered. Remove the cover and bake a further 20 minutes.

Serves 2, or up to 4 with extra vegies

TIP: instead of chicken breast, a cheaper alternative can be found on BSR01 Cooking Cheap Chicken Pieces. And, of course, the remaining soup can be frozen.

Click here to view or print recipe in PDF.

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