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Jam and Sponge Slice
Jam and Sponge Slice
Pastry base topped with jam and sponge cake

  Our original intention was to simulate a Bakewell slice; but we didn't have any cake crumbs, or almond meal; which, incidentally, is pretty expensive. Sponges can be temperamental, so resist opening the oven before nearing the end of the full cooking time, or you could risk it sinking. This slice is good for morning teas and as a lunch-box snack for the kids.

Pastry Base
175g plain flour
1 Tbsp sugar
50g margarine, or table spread
3 Tbsps raspberry jam; or another flavour, if you prefer

Mix the flour and sugar together in a bowl; then rub in the margarine with the fingertips to a fine breadcrumb consistency. With a table knife, turn in just enough water to make a stiff dough. Roll this out on a floured board thinly and use it to line the base of a pie dish or slice tray. Carefully spread with the jam.

Sponge Cake
125g sugar - caster sugar if you've got it
125g margarine, or table spread
2 eggs
4 tsps almond essence (optional)
190g self-raising flour

In a bowl, cream together the margarine and sugar with a wooden spoon or plastic spatula until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time until smooth. Next, mix in the almond essence if using; and finally fold in the flour. Evenly spread the sponge mixture over the jam-covered pastry base. Bake on 190°C fan-forced (210°C conventional) for 15 minutes to brown lightly. Turn down to 160°C fan-forced (175°C conventional) for a further 20-30 minutes until top is firm.

TIP: : let the margarine reach room temperature before creaming; and crack the eggs separately in a dish before adding to the mix - just in case one or both are off.

Click here to view or print recipe in PDF.

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